About the UltraHeat Brand
Joseph Soptich
Company Founder

His name was just “Joe” to everyone he met. Joe was an electrical engineer with close working ties within the RV industry. As RV’s became more popular and also more expensive, Joe noticed how owners often desired to extend the use of their Recreational Vehicle for more events enjoyed within all four (4) seasons of the year. Popular sports like snow skiing, snowmobiling, hunting and the need to often travel through states with colder weather gave more reasons to want to use their RV unit anytime of the year. Recreational Vehicles were NOT designed or manufactured to be used in weather below 40°F (4.4°C). Colder weather created many freezing problems, included were the liquid holding tanks and any exposed piping that would freeze-up leaving their RV kitchen and bathroom’s completely useless! This was a problem for every Recreational Vehicle regardless of manufactured brand.
Joe passed away on June 3, 2005 but prior to that time, Joe developed a game changing product line he named “UltraHeat®”, which he first introduced these products to the RV manufactures in 1988. This new heating system was developed from scaled down versions of other panels we manufactured for deicing and alternative heating projects. Since the mid 1970’s these other products were already being widely used throughout the Northern Americas and Europe. Theses newer UltraHeat products quickly gained the attention of Consumers, RV Dealerships as well as the RV Manufacturers. They rapidly became one of the most popular and asked for "add-on" option ever developed! Among the RV Manufactures, “UltraHeat” products are considered the “standard” to use in “up-graded package options” for “4-season”, and many added them as standard equipment. This heating system is so simple that any knowledgeable RV owner, considered a good do-it-yourself type of person, could do their own unit installations to retro-fit of any brand of RV. These "Full Contact" electric heating panels quickly gained UL approval, and have also met stringent standards from other third party testing labs to meet requirements for the International Market. Today, the “UltraHeat” products remain one of the RV Industry's leading product designs. Best of all, they come with decades of RV’er road tested, proven performance and definitely will protect and prevent holding tanks and pipes from freezing-up.
These new products generated great excitement and further advancements within the Recreational Industry, they were the first product to be made especially for “Freeze Protection”, and made a lot of sense to everyone once they were presented to them. RV Manufactures and their other Industry Suppliers soon after started to consider new designs to extend the use of an RV into Colder Weather. As for the RV owner, they could now look forward to forgetting about just three (3) seasons of camping with months of winter storage. No longer did they have to “run for the sun" in order to use their unit. Recreational Vehicle owners could now participate in “FOUR (4) SEASONs” of destination enjoyment, comfort and value, consequential in the current RV’s of today. For these reasons, the UltraHeat background and ground breaking story was archived in the "RV Hall of Fame" located in Elkhart, Indiana, as a Industry Changing Product back in 2011.
In 1991, Joe incorporated the company to Ultra-Heat, Inc. and located its headquarters and final assembly plant right in the middle of the nation's largest RV manufacturing base, officially dubbed the "RV Capital of the World" in 1949, Elkhart Indiana. Where still today, virtually more than 80% of the RV’s produced in all the World are assembled, and ship from.
The success of the UltraHeat brand has now extended onto the global market. This special heating system was promptly recognized as the "standard" to now be used in the expanding overseas Caravan, Motor-home and Leisure Vehicle Industries. Throughout the world, Mobile Vacation trends continue to grow and nurture in popularity and our company is positioned to be in the forefront as we continue to present new ideas, and provide products tailored and unique to these different markets. This global advancement lead to our “new” manufacturing operations name, “UHI Worldwide, Inc” adopted in 2006.
2007 spawned the consolidation of all operations to our Company Head Quarters and newly expanded and restructured modern manufacturing facility in Elkhart Indiana, resulting in the closing of our other International based manufacturing plant established 30 years prior in 1977. Since then, we continue to proudly make all our products produced with raw materials purchased from and within the U.S.A. We take great pride and fully support the “American” worker! Our products are “Made in the USA”.
Joe guided the promotion of the UltraHeat brand to an early and lasting lead, Because of Joe's emphasis on quality materials and high testing standards both in finish product and performance, these products have gained the attention of the World Market. As our company continues to grow, we at UHI Worldwide, Inc. are proud to continue in these traditions and furthermore maintain Joe’s friendly and honest straight forward "one-on-one" way of doing business. We are joyful to assist any size manufacture or personally answer any questions generated via phone, email or text; we take pride in our knowledge and recognized expertise of our unique and sometimes “niche” markets. We’ve been given the reputation of being the “go-to people” for matchless heating solutions, and cold weather RVing.
Our UHI Team thanks you for taking the time to learn about our special line of UltraHeat electric direct heat panels and a little of their celebrated history. Your RV or Leisure Vehicle may already be equipped with some of our heaters. To find out if your unit is fully or only partially protected against cold weather freeze-ups, please educate yourself by exploring more of our website and take the time to review your own unit’s cold weather capabilities. Get the peace of mind that your unit is prepared for your four-season use and enjoy your Vacation, Holiday or get-a-way. “Happy and Safe Travels”!